Take Your Game to the Next Level

Trust Me, It’s Not Your Swing

Frustrated with

your golf game?

Trust me, the problem is NOT your swing! If you want to get the best out of your golf game – and transform your life in the process – you need to go deeper. You need to take a deeper look at yourself. Ask yourself about the process or approach you are taking, why it is not working, and what you can do better.

In martial arts, we take years managing perfection and motion, but a lifetime managing our minds.

That is why training the body is one thing, training the mind is mastery.

Breaking 80 is embracing that mastery of Mind-Body-Balance philosophy and pays huge dividends both on and off the golf course.

It’s not just about golf.

We often hear professional athletes saying things like “My team has been awesome. They have helped me a lot with staying focused and staying present with my role.”

Having a well-balanced work and home life is what gives a higher level of success.

So often I see players come to the course wearing Apple AirPod earbuds and on their phones nonstop. And they wonder why they are not having any consistency in their game. If we are looking for a level of success, then we need that balance to be implemented.

Why Work With Me?

As a tour player who has traveled the globe playing professional tournaments, I have had to learn how to pack properly as conditions are always changing. I have had to learn how to adapt to course conditions, languages, foods as well as time change. I have encountered many variables and frustrations. However, the one key component that never changes, and that one thing I can always control, is my attitude.

You must always have a game plan. That plan is to do well the day we play, but if there is no solid process then we cannot have a solid result. Or one that we can live with and find acceptable.

“If you fail to plan, then plan to fail.” – Benjamin Franklin 1790

I am going to teach you the process and show you how to have that positive outcome.

What My Clients Are Saying